Ask my anything.

First and foremost, of course, those that have pictures you like the most. Therefore, look at different photographers & their work to find out which style you like best. What fits best to you & your wedding. However, secondly, pay special attention to whether the photographer is likable to you as a person & whether you could confide in him/her. Because he/she will usually accompany you very closely throughout the whole day often in quite intimate situations. Should you not feel comfortable, you may not create the unforgettably beautiful photographs and memories you wish for.

1. Always ready: A professional photographer knows the course of your wedding and is prepared for all emergencies: Rain? No problem! Camera broken? Spare camera at the start! Sick? Replacement photographer from my photographer network! Memory card full? Never! Battery empty? As if!

2. Lighting conditions: Whether in church, the registry office or in blazing sun. The light is rarely perfect and changes constantly. Professional photographers, thanks to their experience, know how to adapt to situations at lightning speed so as not to miss any moments. They also have specially designed equipment.

3. Professionalism: does uncle Bob know how to photograph you from your most beautiful side & did he also think of the right focus? Oops, the photo got blurred & the kissing moment is already over. The photos of your wedding are eternal & should be fantastically beautiful. Even after 50 years you should still be able to enjoy them. Please do not leave this to chance!

4. The eye: It takes a lot of feeling for the perfect moment, capturing the impressive ambience, the small details & emotions of your wedding.

5. Quality: anyone can press the camera button. But when, how, where, why? You learn all this in training or courses of study for photography.

Through constant learning & long experience you get the balance between technique & art, between speed & emotionality and to get the best out of every situation.

All the better 🙂 I want to capture you as natural & authentic as possible. Just stay as you are and have no fear of posed poses or stupid grimaces. During the shooting you get very simple & playful instructions and during the rest of the reportage I keep myself in the background & you will hardly notice me – I promise!

Of course! I’m on the road all over Germany & other countries. My last weddings abroad were in Ireland, Mallorca, the Maldives & Italy.

But surely that will be expensive? Don’t worry, to my normal hourly rate I only add travel expenses, which have become very affordable nowadays. In addition, I also do not insist on a 5-star hotel 😉

With great pleasure! A precious photo album is of course the most beautiful product that you can hold in your hands from your wedding photos. Feel free to contact me about it.

In the unlikely event of this happening, I fortunately have a great photographer network. So, if there is ever a need, there are always great professional replacements, which I can highly recommend.

I’ve attended quite a few rain weddings & know that there are always rain-free breaks where you can take outdoor pictures. Otherwise, we can find shelters in your location, under a big tree, a romantic bridge, etc. Shelters that we can use to take pictures. Of course I have transparent umbrellas with me & I’m not at all afraid to run with my camera in the rain. If push comes to shove, let’s have a magical after wedding photo shoot!

Yes all of them! From the approx. 3,500 pictures, I first select the approx. 500-700 most beautiful ones, then sort them into a meaningful picture story and then edit each one of them. The couple pictures get the most elaborate retouching, of course. Image enhancements once again bring out everything in the photos & are simply part of professional photography. Whether cropping adjustments, light, contrast or yet a spot. The photo retouching is done in a very elaborate & high-quality manner. On the whole, depending on the package I spend 2-4 complete days with the post-processing.

As a wedding photographer you work 4-5 days on a single wedding. Why so long? 1/2 day preparation including getting to know each other etc., 1 day incl. overtime for the wedding reportage & 2-4 full days for the elaborate & high-quality selection, sorting, image processing, editing & delivery.

Not to forget that the camera, editing & production equipment is in the 5-digit range.